Sunday, October 16, 2011

My First Ironman

So, Jenni and I sat at our computers the Monday after Ironman Arizona 2008 and anxiously awaited the entries to open to the public.  Once it did, we began manically hitting refresh as we tried to get entered in the event that had quickly filled up in previous years.  We luckily got our chance and we both were registered before it filled up within the hour.  Then the training began.

Jenni was working as a Post Doc at Shriners Hospital in Sacramento, and I was doing a long term sub for high school math from Jan-May 2009 as well as coaching swimming.  The summer was free except for coaching swimming however, and I was able to get some pretty good rides and runs in with my awesome wife.

We got at least one 20 mile run in and some 70+ mile bikes in, including a 3 looop 113 mile bike that would sort of simulate the course at Tempe.

The day was incredible.  Then THE START...

2500 people all starting at once.  I'm a good swimmer, so I figured I'd start at the front, man was that a mistake.  I got run over IMEDIATELY!!!  I finally got free and in a groove and ended up 175th out of 2500, not too bad for swimming once per week.

Then the bike.  Well, this is undoubtedly my worst of the 3.  And combine that with the fact that I definitely didn't train the bike well enough, or often enough, and that makes for a rough 112 miles.

Just getting out of my shoes was a chore as both hamstrings cramped up worse than I could ever imagine.  Despite that, I was 25 minutes faster than I had planned to go my goal time of breaking 12 hours.  After sitting and getting help into my running shoes.  (The volunteers at Ironman Arizona were so totally INCREDIBLE!!!  You can't even imagine!), I was off to the run.

The run at IMAZ is 3 loops.  I made it through loop 1 no problem.  I kept calculating in my head my pace necessary to break 12 hours, and I was GOOD TO GO!!!  I started tearing up thinking about my swimmers and how I was going to be able to tell them about how I set a goal, and was able to achieve it through hard work, dedication and determination.  Then mile 10 struck... I was carrying my own water bottle, which I was getting filled up when necessary.  After stopping at the mile 10 aid station to get more water, my first step afterward was a bad one...  My knee felt all twisted and hurt like never before.  I shuffled for another 2 miles, then made the decision to walk.   That was the longest walk I could ever imagine.  10 miles worth.  One thing that kept me going, was I WILL FINISH!!!  I finally got to mile 22, and looking at my watch said "I can still break 13 hours, but I have to run"  So, I grit my teeth and ran.  Ran fast actually, around 7:30 pace for the last 2.4 miles.  I ended up going 12:54, and my knee was killing me all night and the next day.

I decided my knee problem was mainly a cramp, and had I trained properly, it wouldn't have happened.

So, here I am now.  I've begun my quest toward Ironman #2 (Ironman Texas), and I have decided to make the most of it.

My goal is 11:30.

It is also my goal to go wine tasting, play golf, see movies, go out to eat with my wife, and walk to dogs more.

These are my goals, and I plan on making them happen.

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

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